Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 18, 2009

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Making Funny Faces.
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Daddy holding my arms supporting me to stand...
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Learning to stand intermittently. With *LOTS* of support.
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This is my boxer's stance.
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Rise and Shine!
Actually this is a good demonstration of the ATNR, the Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex. In a few more months, this reflex will be gone.
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First time visiting the community library. Though you cannot really see that i am actually in the library. Just take my word for it.
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This doesn't look like home. Where am I?
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First time the family can eat out at a restaurant together.
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Post prandial stupor.....
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Daddy was so excited that he couldn't focus the camera properly.
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Hey! No photos!
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Getting ready in the Car Seat. I'm going gaigai loh!
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What are you looking at? *Bleah!*
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More Zoolander!
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Smiling while sleeping

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