Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, July 31, 2009

singapore bb calendar contest qualifying round

oh.. can u see my number?dunno y I din smile
throughout the whole contest hence din get into the final round..
nvm.. just a warm up!=)
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Ikea restaurant 19.07.09

first time at Ikea tampines!! see me in the ikea highchair!=)
so exciting.. =)
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my new car!!!

After 7 months, daddy and mummy finally got me this new car!!
it's red.. but nevermind.. at least new!=) I'm still happy sitting on it.
can u spot my upper incisors?=)
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my other "new" car

see.. this is my other new car where mummy will bring me go stroll everyday..
then i'll "ponk ponk"...hehehe
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Friday, July 17, 2009

long time no see

Sky: tickle tickle Chelsia..
Chelsia: *not bothered* still munching on the plastic cup..
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trying out..

Think i'm more interested in the snail than the tricycle.. hehe
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Testing... vroom vroom..

mummie let me try this tricycle with a snail on it..
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Drinking from straw!

Can see what i'm doing?I almost finish 3/4 water left inside..
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As promised, this is a pic taken for eating curry chicken..
mummy had a hard time trying to take my precious pic..hehe
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Friday, July 10, 2009

Curry chicken

mummie cooked this curry chicken. It looked nice rite?
it's soo yummy that mummy let me eat! *slurp*
see my pics later..
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me & grandma

grandma and me! =)
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my upper incisors!

daddy n me look alike! many said i'm the mini daddy..
can u spot my left incisor coming out? =P
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Friday, July 3, 2009

New Float!

my daddy bought me tis new float.. soo happy..
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wah.. nice pose rite?cant see anything yet sexy.. =p
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Crawling on fours!

Mummie, wat are u doing?i'm learning to crawl on my fours..
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Thursday, July 2, 2009