Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My 2nd word.....

Please turn up the volume for this one.
This is the 2nd word in my speech vocabulary that i understand and can recall and use when i desire.

The first word is "mum-mum", meaning "I wanna eat!"
This 2nd word is "Duck!"
I still haven't learnt to say Papa and Mama with intention.... though i do blabber them on and off without meaning....

Daddy and Mommy are so happy with my 2nd word! And Oh gosh I am so cute!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Walking unsupported : Take 1

Walking unsupported : Take 2

Walking unsupported : Take 3

Finally a decent movie clip of me walking a few steps unsupported!

Developmental Milestone *Standing Unsupported*

I am actually standing on a piano!
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Pool of Balls

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American Gladiator Pt 1

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American Gladiator Pt 2

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Climbing through a tunnel

There! I made it through the tunnel! Crawling all by myself!
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Walking in a tunnel..

I walked back out through the tunnel
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Whoa! Who's that in the mirror!?
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Developmental Milestone *Walking Unsupported!*

This happens at GoGo Bambini's!
I managed to walk a few steps unsupported! Daddy caught it on his still camera!
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The Ben & Jerry Icecream Bus!

Mommy brought me to Dempsey road to eat B&J icecream! But i don't really like icecream. Still, i took photos with this really cool bus!
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