Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 24, 2010

313 w Chelsia...

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Self feeding using spoon


While waiting for my pics to be taken.. I helped myself to the crayons..
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Family pics!

Pic taken while queueing for the phototaking contest....
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Say Cheese!!!

hmm.. here I am seated on the chair... but I din smile coz
the photographer is so fast.. I'm not ready!
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Okto tots contest...

Oh daddy n mummy brought me to the "okto tots contest"
this is the best pic taken...
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Certificate ceremony

Here I received all my artworks for the whole term by my teacher!
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teacher @JG

This was my last day with JG..hence i took pic with the teacher
before the party ended.. the theme was fruits and vegetables..
can u guess what am I disguise as?
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