Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 23, 2010

HK Trip : Family Portrait on the Plane!

But i just can't take my eyes off the in-flight entertainment screen.
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HK Trip : The In-Flight Entertainment System

I love the In-flight Entertainment system! There are cartoons for me to watch!
But daddy, the touch screen seems to be spoilt.
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HK Trip : In the plane!

... and Claustrophobia sets in.... wait wait wait, since i am so small, the space is quite large. So Claustrophobia is out of the question for this trip. :)
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HK Trip : Bridge to the Plane

I insist on walking on my own towards the plane. Much to the passerby's amusement. They must be thinking what a cute boy i am!
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HK Trip : Approaching the plane

We are at the gate, geting to our plane! Can you see it? That plane is bringing me to Hong Kong! Yeah!
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HK Trip : Making our way to the gate.

I've never been here before!
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HK Trip : Departure area, Singpost stall

Singpost has a stall within the departure area that looks like a car.... Me, being illiterate, could not read the sign on the seat. The sign is covered by me anyway.
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HK Trip : Family Portrait before checking in

Here we took more photos, before moving off beyond the point of no return. Hong Kong here i come!
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HK Trip : Checking in our HUGE luggage

We reached T1, and here we are checking in our luggage. It was huge! Lucky the luggage has good wheels for easy moving.
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HK Trip : Inside the Cab

Daddy practising his "One hand self portrait" shot. You will see a lot of these in this trip. :)
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HK Trip : waiting for the cab

A cab is still very conveniently hailed on the road with no prior booking on this particular sunday morning. :)
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HK Trip : Posing with Daddy

And a puzzled look on my face. WTH are mommy and daddy taking pictures on such an early sunday morning?
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HK Trip : Mommy posing before setting off

Mommy is preparing her Ergo Carrier, something which she need to use *a lot* over the next few days. :)
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I am going to Hong Kong!

This is the day we set off for HK. Photo was taken before we left for the airport. I still have no idea what is going to happen, when i am going. I thought it is just another ordinary day!
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Thursday, May 20, 2010