Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Inside the Teacup

Another family portrait when we are inside the teacup.
I was too busy checking out the steering wheel.
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My First Ride

I am getting ready to ride my first ride in the park!
Its the Teacup!
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Sleeping Beauty Castle!

That's the Sleepy Beauty Castle in the background.
Just in front of it, there's High School Musical gang singing and dancing....
in Cantonese!!
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Beatiful Day

The weather is so nice!
And there is so much space for me to run about!
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Chip n Dale

Chip is kissing me! That tickles!
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Its Chip and Dale!

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Alone with Mickey and Minnie

If i can choose my parents..... hmmmm.....
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Family Portrait with Mickey and Minnie

This is a pretty good shot...
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Meeting Minnie!

She's so sweet!
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I can be the 代言人 for Ribena!
Look at how pleased i am holding the drink!
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Entrance to Disneyland

This spot is so popular with tourists that there are always people taking photos.... and we aren't able to get a shot all by ourselves...
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Finally, inside Disneyland!

And Mickey is surfing behind me!
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I did! I did tee a tweety bird!!
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Look mama... i tawt i taw a tweety bird!
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

I ended up shopping

at 青衣 shopping mall. It is huge here.
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Getting ready to go to Disneyland proper!

Its a lovely Day 2 at HK, and i am getting ready to get into Disneyland!
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The Magician's Apprentice

Here's Mickey, dressed a la the Magician's Apprentice.
I wonder if he will take me as his apprentice.
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Nice wall deco

At the hotel wall.
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and Chip 'n Dale!

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And here's a Pluto!

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Its Donald!

Back in the Disney Train, where every carriage has statuettes of disney characters.
Here's a Donald.
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End of day 1, on our way back to the hotel

And daddy is so dazed.... I am wide awake of course. I slept 2 naps already.
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Really posh shopping square at 尖沙咀

We walked by this posh shopping square and mommy just gotta have some photos taken. So here it is!
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Cultural Centre at 尖沙咀

We went to 尖沙咀 to watch the buildings light up with music, but none of the pictures turn out well. It was really misty anyway, that's daddy's excuse. Here's a nice family portrait of us in front of the clock tower, but the camera focused on the clock instead of us.
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Gigantic Pau

大包 behind me, and 许留山 in my hands....
what more can i ask for?
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