Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, November 24, 2008

I was Born!

Happy mommy and baby 12 mins after birth
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I finally arrived to this world 2 and a half hours ago!

Dr Adelina Wong had to pull me out with a pair of forceps because of prolonged labour. I finally came out on 24th Nov 2008 at 2200 hrs.

Photos will come soon!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


This is a picture if my face, taken when i was still in-utero. The amazing details we can see with this technology.

This is the side profile of my me, trying to find my thumb to suck. Now where did it place it?

Ah... the intra-uterine growth sac. The first photographic evidence of my existance.

Another side view of my face

Ow ow ow... i think i stabbed my eye.... either that or the first photographic evidence of me picking my nose.

"Hey.. stop shining that bright light!"

That's me giving a Thumb's up sign to Dr Wong, Mommy and Daddy.

"All's well over here folks! See you in 6 months time"

Another 3d picture, showing details on my face. I looked grumpy, because they woke me up from my nice sleep. Now where's my coffee?

Friday, November 7, 2008

This is the first evidence of my existance.

Two lines!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First! Intro!

Hi All!

I am Little Seah. I do not have a proper name at this time, so just call me Little Seah or 小虾.

I am currently 37 weeks in gestation in my mommy's tummy, and will be due for birth anytime soon. I am the littlest member to the Seah family, and hence my current nickname Little Seah. My parents are still deciding the name they will give me when i am born, and they are narrowing down to a few choices currently. I will post here when the name is finalised.

As of right now, my estimated weight is 3.2 kg, and mommy is a bit worried i may grow too big to be delivered normally. But daddy is quite happy, and is quite certain i will be delivered normally in time to come. I am their first child, and they are very excited at my arrival. They have been seeing their doctor regularly and doing the ultrasound scans regularly. They are also monitoring my growth, and will frown when they see my big big tummy on the scans.

Right now daddy is working, and mommy will go to work later. I like to move about inside mommy every now and then when i am not sleeping. Occasionally i will wake mommy up from her sleep when i am kicking. Occasionally daddy will place his face on mommys tummy and feel my kick.

That is all for now. I will post some of my pictures on this site soon. Keep tuned.

Xiao Seah