Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 22, 2008


This is a picture if my face, taken when i was still in-utero. The amazing details we can see with this technology.

This is the side profile of my me, trying to find my thumb to suck. Now where did it place it?

Ah... the intra-uterine growth sac. The first photographic evidence of my existance.

Another side view of my face

Ow ow ow... i think i stabbed my eye.... either that or the first photographic evidence of me picking my nose.

"Hey.. stop shining that bright light!"

That's me giving a Thumb's up sign to Dr Wong, Mommy and Daddy.

"All's well over here folks! See you in 6 months time"

Another 3d picture, showing details on my face. I looked grumpy, because they woke me up from my nice sleep. Now where's my coffee?

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