Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, September 28, 2009

Swimming at tpy pool

Mummy brought me for a swim at the reopened tpy swimming pool after they were closed for 2 months! I was so delighted to be in the water once again.. laughing and splashing water.. but as there is no one to help mummy take pics hence all these were not captured... only mummy saw therefore she is blogging it for me..

We reached there at 6.10pm and i went into the baby pool to swim while waiting for my 娘子 to come and join me.. hehe..
surprisingly I could touch the water in the baby pool that is 0.5M deep! hehe.. i splashed and splashed the water till my hair are all wet.. and i could hold on to the side of the pool and start walking... and I drank so much water! *slurp*

When my 娘子 reached the pool, i went to join her in the medium pool and i used her pink float as mummy forgotten to bring my float. =( but I had fun with chelsia. I waited and waited for daddy to join us.. after almost 1hr then daddy reach and he managed to capture a few pics of me! will be uploading it. pls stay tuned! =)

I really enjoyed the swim so much that i never stop laughing and smiling. =)
hope mummy will bring me to swim again.
This was taken when daddy came and i borrowed
Chelsia's float for phototaking.. =)

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